Consign Furniture in Reno, Nevada accepts furnishings and items that have very minimal wear and tear, are of good quality, come from non-smoking households, and items that are of a current style. In order to sell the items efficiently and effectively, they have to be of interest to a large number of our consumers. In general, if you objectively rate your item on a scale from 1 to 10, Consign Furniture accepts pieces with an 8, 9 or 10 quality rating.
1. Show us what you have! You can fill out the form below and attach pictures, email pictures, or bring pictures down to the store.
2. In order for final approval, the items need to be seen in person. You are welcome to bring items to the store 7 days a week between 10am and 4pm, or you can schedule a time for Consign Furniture to pick them up.
3. Your items will be priced with a high price and a low price that we will not sell below (items can be sold at our discretion between those approved prices during the term of the contract).
4. You sign a 90-day contract.
5. Your check for 50% of the net proceeds will be processed within 10 business days of the contract expiration date.
6. Any items that remain unsold after the expiration of your contract can be donated or you can arrange to take them back.
Consign Furniture Consignment Agreement
- Pastel Floral Upholstered Furniture
- China Cabinets / Hutches Older Than 10 Years – At Our Discretion
- TV Armoires Less Than 55” In Width
- Large Entertainment Centers – At Our Discretion
- Hardwired Lighting – Wall Sconces – Chandeliers — At Our Discretion
- Major Appliances
- Small Kitchen Appliances, Utensils and/or China wear
- Built-in Cabinetry
- Dried Floral Arrangements – Silk Floral Arrangements — At Our Discretion
- Ceiling Fans
- Window Coverings – Bedding – Pillows – Mattresses- Area Rugs
- Upholstered Items With Tears, Stains, Odors, Excessive Wear, Fading
- Wood Items With Water Stains – Cigarette Burns – Or In Need Of Repair Or Refinishing.
- Artwork That Is Missing Glass – i.e. Prints Or Watercolors
- Artwork Without frames -our discretion
- Frames – Without Artwork
- Stereo Speakers
- Organs – Pianos
- Any Furnishings With Smoke, Or Pet Damage
- Grandfather Clocks Must Be Assembled At Our Store By Consignor or Clock Smith